Flagship Projects

Acquisition of Mining Licenses and opening a Coal Mining Project

Acquisition of Mining Licenses and opening a Coal Mining Project

Edenville Energy PLC is a natural resources company listed on the London AIM Stock Exchange and it holds several coal licenses in South and Western Tanzania. The deposit hosts a near surface Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) Measured and Indicated Resource of 173M tones of thermal coal that is amenable to open pit mining. Edenville has been granted the Mining Licence (ML) Number 562/2016. Tansheq provided the services for conducting Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), valuation of Properties and preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for Coal Mining Project at Nkomolo Village, Nkasi District Rukwa Tanzania Specifically, ESIA objectives are to:

  • Ensure that environmental considerations are explicitly addressed and incorporated into the development decision making process
  • Anticipate and avoid, minimize or offset the adverse significant biophysical, social and other relevant effects of development proposal
  • protect the productivity and capacity of natural systems and the ecological processes which maintain their functions
  • promote development that is sustainable and optimizes resources use and management opportunities
  • Promote the implementation of the Environmental Management Act, 2004 and all other laws and decision-making process related to the goals and objectives of this project. For this service, also Tansheq conducted valuation of crops, buildings, trees and other developments which were affected by the project, search for market value of affected land, farms and buildings for compensation purposes and preparation of compensation schedules By utilizing Tansheq services, Edenville was able to:
  • Coal mining at Nkomolo and Namwele to supply coal for a minimum of 35 years to a power plant of 330 MW capacity.
  • Design, supply, erect, test and commission of 330 MW coalbased power plant utilising Clean Coal Circulating Fluidised Bed Technology (CFB) with all associated accessories.
  • Operate the coal mine and power plant for a minimum of 35 years