Flagship Projects

Environmental Assessment for Vertical Exploration Drilling and 3D Seismic Data Acquisition

Environmental Assessment for Vertical Exploration Drilling and 3D Seismic Data Acquisition

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania through TPDC implements its petroleum exploration and development policies by carry out gas field exploration activities at Mnazi Bay North Block that involves 3D seismic survey as well as vertical well drilling.

Our Roles

Due to the fact that mobilization process, 3D seismic survey and drilling activities may pose impacts to the environment set up, Then TPDC has commissioned Tansheq Limited to carry out environmental studies for both activities

TANSHEQ scope of work includes;

  • Preparation of Project Brief and filling Project Registration Form at NEMC
  • Preparation of Scoping Report, Preparation of EIA Terms of Reference
  • Carryout stakeholder consultation
  • Assess the baseline environmental condition of the project
  • Examine Alternatives in terms of alternative location or alternative technologies
  • Assess environmental and social impacts
  • Prepare Mitigation Plan
  • Prepare Management and Monitoring Plans
  • Carryout Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Compile Environmental Impact Report (Environmental Impact Statement)
  • Representing the client in the Technical Advisory Committee and Incorporating comments of the Technical Advisory Committee.