Flagship Projects

Environmental Audit of Offshore Drilling Activities at Pilipili Well

Environmental Audit of Offshore Drilling Activities at Pilipili Well

Equinor, formerly Statoil Tanzania AS, has been carrying out oil and gas exploration activities offshore Tanzania under EIA certificate (no EC/EIS/1109). Equinor was granted a certificate for an “Additional Offshore Exploration Drilling in Block 2, Tanzania: in 2013. The activities undertaken as part of the exploration includes offshore drilling utilizing a drillship (Ocean Rig Poseidon); supply vessels for transit of materials including chemicals and wastes to and from the drillship and Mtwara port; helicopter for transit of crew and visitors; and waste management services in Mtwara provided by a contractor. In order to evaluate systematically conformance of the performance of these activities with the approved environmental management plan developed during EIA, an environmental audit is required. In that regards, Equinor engaged services of Tansheq Limited to carry out this internal (self) environmental audit.

Tansheq scope of work includes: To assess compliance of the project to the approved Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plan as prepared in the EIS and approved by NEM