Flagship Projects

The Environmental and Social Impact  Assessment of The Deep Challa Project

The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of The Deep Challa Project

The DeepCHALLA is a scientific drilling project, conducted by International Continental Scientific Drilling Programme (ICDP) and Ghent University. The project proposed to recover and analyze the continuous sedimentary record which has accumulated on the bottom of Lake Challa (3°19’S, 37°42’E), a 4.2 km2, 92-m deep crater lake near Mt. Kilimanjaro on the international border of Kenya and Tanzania. The project’s principal objective is to acquire high-quality and well-dated information of climate, landscape and ecosystem history near the equator over the past c.250,000 years, a period encompassing two complete ice-age cycles and the entire known existence of modern humans (Homo sapiens) in East Africa.

In this project Tansheq enabled the client to get environmental clearance and also assist in other logistical part of this relatively novel project in Tanzania and Kenya